Sens Callups - Ottawa Senators Podcast
Tuesday Aug 18, 2015
Sens Summer Fan Fest 2015: Panel
Tuesday Aug 18, 2015
Tuesday Aug 18, 2015
On Sunday August 16, 2015 the 2nd annual Sens Summer Sens Fest was held. Part of the fest included a panel of bloggers and podcasters as follows:Host: Owen (@SensNation) representing Sens Nation@SensChirp representing Sens ChirpPan (@PanofSCU) representing Sens CallupsJoe (@McLlwainsWorld) representing Radek Bonk's MulletCallum (@CallumFraswer) and Adnan (@sens_adnan) representing Silver Seven SensKevin (@BringBackLee) representing Sens Nation & Radek Bonk's MulletFull details can be found here: thank you to Kevin Lee for organizing this event!
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